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My Dad, being a military man his entire adult life, developed over many years a regimented routine for the lawn. My dad’s technique of proper lawn care was passed down to me with great pride and with it came a sense of duty…to my dad. My teenage self was mentally punctuating sentences with huffs, puffs, and eye-rolls. This is largely due to the fact that after sharing his knowledge it would become partly my responsibility to care for “his” lawn.Most of my Dad’s routine was born from his own extensive research about lawn care for the Tidewater area and (sometimes to my family’s amusement) a variety of chemical, natural, and DIY (Do It Yourself) product applications. After a short stint of trying a messy hose-end DIY herbicide that was part beer, dish detergent and who knows what else, he waved the white flag and retreated to his faithful lawn spreader.My duties of lawn mowing, raking of leaves and attempting to use an electric lawn trimmer were always followed by Dad walking behind with his spreader laying down that week’s or month’s application of fertilizer, insecticide or crabgrass control. Dad was always walking and talking to me about what he was doing. I’m sure to Dad’s surprise some of it stuck! Many moons later I found myself in a turf class with a professor lecturing on VA Tech’s recommended residential lawn care program. The professor’s lecture began to ring oddly familiar to me. It was not the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last that I will gladly say my daddy was right!-Danielle Hendricks
Did you know KMGC has our own custom grass seed blend?
Well, we do!
Ken Matthews Garden Center Grass Seed Blend is a combination of four different tall fescue grass seeds specially blended for the Peninsula area. All four grass seed varieties are listed as Category 1 seeds in the 2012-2013 Virginia Turf Grass Variety Recommendations publication.
In addition, KMGC Grass Seed blend always has a current test date ensuring maximum seed germination.
Why use a blend of fescue grass seed vs using a single variety of fescue grass seed? Blended grasses offer better disease resistance and a more uniform lawn-regardless of growing conditions. Single grass seeds are more prone to complete die-off from pests, disease, and unfavorable growing conditions. Think about a grass seed blend as a variety of seeds which can handle a variety of growing conditions. However, a single grass seed has a specific growing condition and therefore, can more easily be killed by a pest or disease that targets that individual seed variety.
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Ken Matthews Garden Center | 4921 George Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, VA 23692 Phone: 757-898-7799 | Fax: 757-898-4615 | Email:© Copyright 2009