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May Calendar of Events

May 5 @ 10-2pm
Cinco de Mayo Celebration!

Details below.

May 12 @ 2pm
Herb Workshop & Tasting
Registration required.

Details below.
May 13
Mother's Day
May 17 5-7pm
Happy Hour Sale
20% off any 1 item
May 19
Art in the Garden!
Details below.

May 25 12-6pm

Red Cross Blood Drive
May 26 3-6pm
A Rare Tour of Pamela Harper's Perennial Garden
GGP Members Only Event
Details below.
Registration required.

May 28
Memorial Day

For more information or to register for the seminars & workshops go to

Ken Matthews Garden Center wins Power Pint Award.

The Power Pint Award
recognizes a company with
less than 500 employees that consistently collects
the most pints with minimal deferrals and best overall
efficiency.  The winner this year currently runs 4 successful
blood drives a year. 
They started partnering
with the American Red Cross
in the summer of 2008. 
Since then they have
collected 267 pints of blood. 
They are a great public site
for our Yorktown donors. 

Ken Matthews Garden Center
would not have won
this award without the
community support for the
Red Cross -
Thanks to everyone!


Nanny's Roses

When my nanny was 98 years old, my cousin and I started trying to root nanny’s roses.  To me, they represented more than beauty, they were a part of my grandmother: her strength and elegance.  Every attempt we made to start new roses failed, from using zip lock bags for mini greenhouses to covering them with a mason jar.

When she passed away at 100 years old, her house was sold.  The main rose bushes were going to have to come home with us.  I amended my soil, had the perfect ph, watered routinely and feed at the correct time.  After four months nothing! “I KILLED THEM!!!” I feared.  But…after it warmed up, there were leaves, and then a bud.

It occurred to me that my relationships with the women in my life are a lot like Nanny’s roses.  They require cultivating, care and attention, but the rewards are priceless.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Cinco de Mayo Celebration!
May 5 10am-2pm

Did you know that Cinco de Mayo celebrates the victory of the badly outnumbered Mexican army over a well equipped invading French at the Battle of Peubla in 1862?

To help celebrate, enjoy salsa tasing and Margaritas (virgin, that is).

Like a particular salsa? Learn how to make it!

Herb Workshop
& Tasting!

May 12 2pm-4pm

Treat your mother (or yourself) to an herb gardening and tasting workshop.

Don Haynie, Herb Specialist, started Buffalo Springs Herb Farm in 1991 in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.  He moved to Williamsburg in 2011 where he consults and teaches all about herbs.

Brooke Vaillancourt McInerney will be our tasting chef.  She is a graduate of Johnson & Wales Culinary Institute and is currenly teaching in York County.

Registration required.

Registration Fee:
GGP Members $20
Non-Members $30

4th Annual
Art in the Garden
May 19 10am-5pm

Enjoy a day in the garden of Art! 

Artists from the Hampton Roads area will be here to show and sell their works of art ranging from watercolor, jewelry, ceramics, fused glass, baskets, photography, pencil drawings and oil on canvas! 

Relax! Listen to music and enjoy the ambiance!

A Rare Tour of Pamela Harper's Perennial Garden
May 26 3-6pm

Ah, a garden full of colorful perennials....
interesting companion shrubs....
and a woman who has devoted her whole life to plants... equals one garden tour you'll
not want to miss!

Pamela J. Harper lives in Seaford and
has transformed her 2 acre yard into a
paradise.  Her history includes writing
articles for Horitculture Magazine,
Organic Gardening & Flower and Garden.  She has lectured at botanical gardens, arboritums and plant and garden societies.  She is auther of Designing with Perennials and co-auther of Perennials: How to
Select, Grow & Enjoy

Registration required.

Donation fee  minimum $10.  Fee will be donated to the Haven's Women Center.

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Store Information

Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

Contact Information
(757) 898-7799
[email protected]

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Ken Matthews Garden Center | 4921 George Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, VA 23692
: 757-898-7799 | Fax: 757-898-4615 | Email: [email protected]
© Copyright 2009