Roses are one of the most loved (and planted) shrubs around the globe. They’ve been cultivated and planted by gardeners for thousands of years and in that time more than 150 species of rose have emerged. Here’s a brief rundown of the more popular rose species.

Mr. Lincoln – Hybrid Tea

Hybrid Tea – First cultivated in 1867, these roses are perfect for cutting. In fact, hybrid teas are a staple of the cut flower industry. These roses were bred to have long, sparsely leafed stems, each adorned with a single flower. Hybrid teas come in a multitude of colors, including single color and bicolor options. Average shrub height is between 4 and 6 feet at maturity.

Ebb Tide – Floribunda Rose

Floribunda – A hybrid of the Hybrid Tea. They are smaller and bushier than Hybrid Teas and produce smaller flowers, but make up for it by producing multiple flowers per stem, usually 3-5. Floribundas also come in a wide variety of colors due to their shared genetics with Hybrid Teas. Shrubs typically reach 3-5 feet at maturity, depending on variety.

Cherry Parfait – Grandiflora Rose

Grandiflora – A cross between Hybrid Teas and Floribundas, these roses are larger than both their parents and produce larger flowers in clusters of 3-5 per stem. The shape of their blooms is similar to Hybrid teas and like both Hybrids and Floribundas; they come in a multitude of colors. Average shrub height is 5-8 feet tall at maturity.

Parade Gigi – Miniature Rose

Miniature – Yet another hybrid of the Hybrid Tea, these small shrubs produce even smaller flowers in a wide variety of colors. Though they are primarily grown and sold as houseplants, miniature roses can be planted outdoors in zones 5-9. Depending on the variety, miniature roses can reach 6-36 inches at maturity.

Don Juan – Climbing Rose

Climbing – Depending on the variety, climbing roses can exhibit the traits of Hybrid Teas, Floribundas or Grandifloras. These climbing shrubs can reach 6-20 feet at maturity. Climbing roses need to be “trained” to climb structures by tying their flexible stems to supports like arbors and trellises.

Apricot Drift – Drift Rose

Drift and Carpet – Low growing roses that generally only reach 1-3 feet tall. However, they spread well, reaching up to 5 feet wide in most cases. These shrubs bloom profusely from late spring through early fall, usually in clusters of small flowers. The main colors are variations of pink, red, yellow and white.

Double Red Knockout

Knockout – Bred to be more disease resistant and drought tolerant than other roses. These easy to care for shrubs are one of the youngest varieties of rose, having only been available for purchase since 1999. Unlike other roses, Knockout Roses lack fragrance and are currently only available in 11 varieties with the most recent (Petite, a miniature rose shrub) having been introduced in 2020.

Alnwick Pink – David Austin Rose

David Austin – A collection of roses by English rose breeder, David Austin, these roses were bred to embody the characteristics of both modern roses and “old garden” roses, resulting in unique and beautiful flowers. More than 200 varieties of David Austin roses have been bred since 1961.


Planting – Despite their differences, all roses prefer full sun and well draining soil.

Pruning – Pruning time varies among different varieties though most modern roses should be pruned in late winter/early spring and old garden roses should be pruned after they have finished blooming for the year.

Fertilizing – All roses should be fertilized once in spring after their leaves have re-emerged and then subsequently fertilized throughout the growing season. Use a fertilizer that specializes in blooming shrubs like Dr. Earth Rose and Flower Fertilizer.

Fun Facts:

  • Fossil evidence suggests that roses are between 30-40 million years old!
  • All roses bred after 1867 (the debut of the first Hybrid Tea) are considered “Modern Roses” and roses from before that time are “Old Garden Roses.”
  • Most rose petals are edible and are frequently used as decorations in cakes and pastries. Rose water is a flavoring made by soaking rose petals in water.
  • Some varieties of rose produce edible berries, called Rosehips, that can be dried and made into tea.
  • The most common ingredients in perfumes are roses.
  • Roses are the national flower of the United States and the state flower of New York and Washington D.C.
  • In the language of flowers, roses mean love. The type of love these flowers represent is dependent on the color. Red roses represent romantic love, yellow is for the love of friends and white stands for pure love.