Gift Shop
It’s not a trip to Ken Matthews without taking a peek inside the gift shop! From garden decor to birding supplies to wall art, there’s always something new and unique inside. Below is just a glimpse of what you can find in the Gift Shop.
Garden Décor
If you need Garden Décor, you’ve come to the right place! We have what you need to add drama and interest to your yard and garden, including:
- Statuary
- Fountains
- Garden Flags
- Garden Stakes
- Gazing Globes
- Stepping Stones
- Windchimes
- Wreaths
- Wall Art
Houseplants and Indoor Containers
Our Garden Associates can help you pick out the perfect plant for your home or office. Click here for more information on houseplants we carry and their care.
Need a new pot? We have those too, in plenty of a different colors, shapes and sizes. Additionally, we carry specialty pots for African Violets, Orchids and Bonsai!
If you’re looking to attract birds to your yard, we have all the feeders, houses, baths, food and suet you’ll need!
Seasonal Bulbs
In fall, you’ll find an assortment of spring blooming bulbs like daffodils, tulips and crocus. Once spring has sprung, you can find summer bulbs such as Caladium, Gladiola, Elephant Ear and Dahlia.
Seed Starting Supplies
Between our Lake Valley and Botanical Interests seeds, you’ll find a plethora of organic and heirloom seeds. We also carry Seed Start Soil, Jiffy Pots, miniature greenhouse kits, heating mats and grow lights to help you start your seeds right!
Seasonal Décor
Love decorating your home and garden for the holidays? We do too! We carry all kinds of decorative stakes, wreaths, wall art, garden flags and more to show off your seasonal style!