Watching cardinals, bluebirds, wrens, sparrows and other beautiful birds is a fun way to enjoy your garden.
At Ken Matthews Garden Center, we carry a wide array of bird seed, feeders, houses and birding other supplies.
You can have even more fun if you place a bird feeder near a window. Birds will linger around the feeder, where you can observe their interesting behavior up close.
In addition to food and shelter, birds need access to water. Consider bird baths or water gardens, which are great additions to any garden. A floating pond de-icer or bird bath heater are easy ways to make sure water is available in frigid temperatures.
If you have food, shelter and water in your garden, birds will come. Plants form the basis of a bird friendly garden. Flowers that attract insects and produce seeds, and trees and shrubs with fruits and berries are good choices to add to your garden. A diversity of plants, including different bloom times, heights and food sources, will lure more birds and reward you with a beautiful garden.
Stop into Ken Matthews Garden Center today and discover all the ways to bring birds to your landscape.