Category Archives: News and Tips
Many folks are surprised to learn that autumn runs a close second to spring as an ideal planting time, but it’s true: cool temperatures, reliable rainfall, and short, bright days help plants make a quick and easy transition to your landscape. Despite the cold weather lurking around the corner, the entire first half of autumn […]
Asters are daisy-like perennials with starry-shaped flower heads. They bring delightful color to the garden in late summer and autumn when many of your other summer blooms may be fading. There are many species and varieties of asters, so the plant’s height can range from 8 inches to 8 feet, depending on the type. The plant can […]
Picture: Buddleia Blaze Pink Looking for blooms all summer? Check out the shrubs below plus they can hang with the heat and humidity! Butterfly Bush Roses - Knockouts and Traditional Dwarf Spirea varieties Limelight Hydrangea and Hydrangea varieties Althea Picture: Barberry Admiration Want some awesome texture and brilliant foliage color? These are […]
Water, water, water, as often as daily for new plants and almost all plants in pots. The rest of the garden generally needs one inch of water every week - whether from rain or from the gardener. Remember to water deeply, not superficially, because deep watering encourages deeper roots and more drought-resistant plants. Weed regularly, […]