Category Archives: Garden Tips

Poinsettia Care

These plants are a Christmas classic, and though they are generally treated as a single season plant, keeping a Poinsettia year round is easier than you think! Light – Moderate to bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight which can scorch the leaves. Water – Poinsettias want to stay evenly moist. Water once the top inch […]

Holiday Cacti Care

There are 3 types of Holiday Cacti; Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter.  The differences in these Cacti can be found in their bloom time, leaf shape and, in the case of Easter Cacti, flower shape. Thanksgiving Cacti – Blooms in mid to late fall. Its leaves have the sharpest edging and feature large tubular flowers. Christmas […]

Kalanchoe & Calandiva Care

Kalanchoe are a type of succulent that comes in flowering and non-flowering varieties. The flowering varieties bloom in clusters of pink, yellow, orange, white or red star-shaped flowers. Calandiva is a hybrid of flowering Kalanchoe and blooms in the same colors, but the flowers are rose-like. The care for both plants is the same. Light […]

Easter Lily Care

Easter Lilies are gorgeous seasonal plants that can be found in early spring. Light – Bright, indirect light is preferred. Easter Lilies can tolerate moderate light, but may not fully bloom. Avoid direct sunlight when kept as a houseplant. Water – Water once the top inch of soil is dry and never let the soil […]