Christmas Trees are here!

Christmas Tree Shopping

Christmas trees have arrived…
Just in time for the holiday festivities!
Come in this weekend and choose your
special tree, and then enjoy your holiday
traditions with your family!

All trees have a fresh cut and are sitting in water…
guaranteed to stay fresh…long after Christmas Day.

$5 OFF
Your Fresh Cut Christmas Tree
Friday – Sunday
November 27 – 29

Fall Decorating Packages are here!

It’s time for Fall Decorating! It’s an enchanting time of year… Celebrate the season! Cluster an assortment of pumpkins, mums and corn stalks around a few hay bales and enjoy an enchanting autumn display of rich burnt oranges, deep golden yellows and dazzling reds!   Autumn Decorating Package $42.99plus tax (A Retail Value of $52.96) […]

Fall is For Planting

Many folks are surprised to learn that autumn runs a close second to spring as an ideal planting time, but it’s true: cool temperatures, reliable rainfall, and short, bright days help plants make a quick and easy transition to your landscape. Despite the cold weather lurking around the corner, the entire first half of autumn […]