If you’ve got plant questions, we’ve got plant answers! Check out the links below to learn more about our favorite plants including care needs, sizes and information on different varieties. Shrubs Azaleas Camellias Roses
Water gardens aren’t just limited to in ground installations, you can also make a water garden container, for indoors or out! Check out the guide below for tips on creating your own. Determine if you want an indoor or outdoor garden. Decide whether you want plants or just the sound of water or a combination […]
Green water is caused by the growth of thousands of single-celled plants in the water. Algae are quite natural – their spores are present in the air and will colonize any new body of water. There are numerous different types of algae and they all thrive in sunny warm conditions and in nutrient-rich water. They […]
Winterizing Hardy Aquatic Plants Marginals By the end of September you should have stopped fertilizing all plants. Marginal aquatics should be cleaned up as soon as frost has turned foliage brown. Before you trim the plants, lower the pots so that the crowns of the plants are below ice level. Then trim to just above […]
As marginals and lilies grow, they reach a point when the plants can be separated into two (or more) plants. Below are guides to help you divide your water plants. Marginals To divide marginals, tease the growing points of the plants by trimming away excess roots. Divide the plants at the natural breaking points. Rejuvenate […]