Author Archives: Danielle

Fescue Lawn Care Calendar

KMGC Lawn with mower

A month-by-month guide on how to keep your cool season fescue grass healthy and looking it’s best year round! February Do a quick soil pH test - the goal pH is 6.5. Apply Mag-I-Cal (lime) if needed. First crabgrass pre-emergent application. Use Jonathan Green Green-Up & Crabgrass Pre-Emergent March  Apply broadleaf weed control. Recommend: Jonathan Green […]

April Garden Tips

Ornamental Trees and Shrubs Plant trees, shrubs perennials and annuals now. Examine shrubs for winter injury. Prune out all dead and weakened wood. Prune spring flowering shrubs such as Azaleas and Camellias after they finish blooming. Begin planting out summer bulbs such as caladiums, gladiolus and calla lily Lawns Continue broadleaf weed control – Bonide […]