The Garden Post: Queen Jake
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Calendar of Events

Wed, August 8
Best Water Garden
Photo Contest
Photos Entries Due

Fri-Sun, August 10-12

Water Garden Weekend

Sat, August 11 10am
Seminar Speaker:
Teresa Cummings
Topic:Water Gardening Basics with a Question and Answer Session

Fri - Sun, August 16-19
Dog Days of
Summer Weekend

Details Coming Soon!
Funniest Dog Story
Due by Thurs, Aug 16

Sat, August 25 10am-12pm
Lawn Clinic
presented by a
Master Gardener
Virginia Cooperative Extension

Sat, August 25 2pm

How Attract and Care for Bees in your Garden Speaker-Beekeeper
Eileen Livingstone
Fresh Honey will
be for sale!

Please register for these events, seminars, and workshops on our website by clicking here.

Queen Jake

Jake.  Seriously?!  I am a Doitsu Chagoi queen.  A girl. Whose idea was “Jake”?

I came to Ken Matthews Garden Center when I was a teenager and now, almost 10 years later, I own this place.  It’s my job to keep tabs of every person who passes by the pond. 

You won’t see a lot of me in the summer.  I hate summer.  I don’t have scales and my back got sunburned once while I was resting in my favorite spot on the rocks. Now, I just stay under the lily pads for most of the day - unless, of course, you have my special food and treats.

I share my pond with two big friends, Boogly and MJ, all kinds of frogs, tadpoles, mosquito fish, snails and sometimes snakes.  Everyone knows I’m the boss though.    

My favorite thing to do is swim fast and flip out of the water especially when the sun goes down.  I love to swim through the sprinkler too when it’s on.  And I always try to scare Danielle when she comes in to clean the algae out.  I bump her when she’s not looking.

Spring and Fall are my favorite times because it’s so busy here.  New fish and plants come in and find happy homes like mine.  In winter, I just sit at the bottom of the pond and dream about all of the people I saw and all of the things I’m going to do when it warms up again. 

It’s good to be queen.

Water Lillies

There are two main types of water lilies that we can select for our ponds, tropical and hardy.

The main difference is their reaction to cold weather.

Though all will go dormant in winter, the hardy varieties can survive by dropping them to the bottom of your pond to keep them from freezing solid. Tropical lilies will need to brought indoors and kept in water above 40°.

 Dwarf Fountain Grass


Only reaching 24” tall, this ornamental grass puts on a big show!

Small, silvery-rose fuzzy flower plumes bloom mid - summer through fall atop thin blades of medium green grass tufts.   Neat, tidy, compact, and dwarf makes this a perfect grass for adding texture and color in containers, poolside gardens, mass planted on  banks or just tuck one in an empty area in the garden!  Thrives in full sun, all soil types, and  moist or dry conditions.



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Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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: 757-898-7799 | Fax: 757-898-4615 | Email: [email protected]
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