Encore Azaleas - October PotM

Encore Azaleas

Encore Azaleas aren’t your grandma’s azaleas! While they have been a garden staple for many years, traditional azaleas have been relegated to shaded gardens and are limited to one period of blooming a year. Here comes Encore to shake things up a little bit!

The two main differences between Encores and traditional azaleas are bloom time and sun requirements. Encore Azaleas not only prefer (and do better in full sun), but they also bloom up to three times a year! Yes, that’s right. Three. Blooms. A. Year. The first bloom occurs in spring, alongside their traditional siblings. Then, after about a month after the first bloom, a second bloom will start around mid-summer. The final bloom in fall occurs after another rest, usually in mid-September. Extreme and unusual weather, like an early winter, can affect the number of bloom periods however this is uncommon in the Hampton Roads area.

Another thing to love about Encore Azaleas is their variety. With more than thirty different Encores available, there’s a color and size for every garden. Blooms can be purple, white, pink, red, coral, or variegated. Sizing ranges from a diminutive 2 feet tall up to a stately 6 feet tall. Dwarf varieties are excellent for containers or as a low border in the garden. Taller ones can be planted together as a hedge or individually as specimens. They’re evergreens too, which means you can enjoy their deep green foliage even in winter.

Caring for Encore Azaleas

As we’ve mentioned, Encores prefer full sun but they can do well in part sun as well. They will not do well in shaded locations (but traditional azaleas will love it).

They prefer moist, well-drained soil that is slightly acidic. 

Prune after the first bloom has ended in spring. Pruning during winter can cut off buds that have formed for the spring bloom, which can prevent the spring bloom from occurring.

This Fall’s Encores


For further reading about Encore Azaleas, follow this link to the official Encore Azalea website.