Also known as Meadow Sage, Salvia is a type of sage grown for its eye-catching spikes of flowers. Most of these hardy perennials begin blooming in mid to late spring, with their flower spikes lasting for weeks. Deadheading spent flowers usually results in a second flush of flowers in late summer that last through fall. Pollinators love Salvia, making it an excellent addition to any bee or butterfly garden. No space for a traditional garden? Salvia do great in containers! As an added bonus, they also work well at repelling mosquitoes and are resistant to voles and deer.
Salvia can be any number of colors, from purple to white to pink and red. While some varieties can reach up to 5’ tall, most average between 2’ and 3’.
Full sun, at least 6 hours per day.
Well draining soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Salvia are fairly drought and heat tolerant once established.
Fertilize in spring with a fertilizer for flowers like Fox Farm Fruit and Flower or Dynamite.