Lawn Care
There’s not much you need to do for your lawn this month.
- Weed Beater Ultra - To kill any cool season weeds like Henbit and Chickweed.
Insect & Disease Control
Luckily, most insects aren’t active this time of the year and fungal diseases prefer warmer temperatures.
- All Season Oil - To kill overwintering insects and eggs on most plants.
Animal Repellents
With food sources more limited during the cooler months, hungry critters may turn to your garden and landscape for a snack. These animal repellants will help discourage them.
- Liquid Fence - Can be sprayed directly onto your plants to protect them from hungry deer and rabbits.
- Deer Scram - Creates a powerful barrier around your plants to protect them from deer.
- Repels All - An excellent all-purpose repellant if your critter problems go beyond the standard deer and rabbits.
- Hot Pepper Wax - A spicy, natural alternative to repels all and is safe to use on veggies and herbs (but make sure you rinse off your edibles before you eat them, or you’re in for a spicy surprise!)
- Mole Max - Drives away moles, voles and other ground dwelling rodents naturally.
- Frost Cloths - To protect your more tender plants from extreme temperatures.
- pH Test Strips - To check the pH of your soil. It’s a good idea to check at least once a year, especially if you plan on adding new plants to your garden or landscape in spring.
- Mag-I-Cal - To raise the pH of soil if it’s acidic.
- Birdseed & Suet - Keep your birdfeeders full and local birds happy.