Norfolk Island Pine Care

These miniature indoor trees are commonly seen around Christmas time, but they do well as houseplants year-round. They’re highly adaptable too, making them a great plant for new gardeners.

Light – Highly tolerant of all light conditions, though they prefer bright, indirect light.

Water – Allow soil to dry out at least half way before saturating. Norfolk Pines are mildly drought tolerant, so they’ll be fine if they dry out a little more.

Soil – Moist, well-draining soil. All-purpose potting soils, like Espoma Potting Soil, are a good choice.

Temperature – They prefer temperatures between 65° and 75°. Do not expose them to temperatures lower than 35° and protect from drafts.

Humidity – Norfolk Pines do well in average home humidity levels though they prefer higher humidity whenever possible. Regular misting, a nearby humidifier, a spacious bathroom or a tray with pebbles and water are all easy ways of increasing humidity.

Fertilization – Fertilize regularly with a diluted liquid fertilizer, such as Bonide Liquid Plant Food, spring through fall.

Size – Indoors, Norfolk Island Pines average 5 to 10 feet tall.

Repotting – Repot every 2 to 3 years in a container with good drainage and no more than 1 to 2 sizes larger than its current container.

Propagation – Not commonly propagated. Can be grown from seed but indoor specimens rarely produce seeds.

Toxicity – Mildly toxic to pets if ingested, considered non-toxic to people.