Easter Lilies are gorgeous seasonal plants that can be found in early spring.
Light – Bright, indirect light is preferred. Easter Lilies can tolerate moderate light, but may not fully bloom. Avoid direct sunlight when kept as a houseplant.
Water – Water once the top inch of soil is dry and never let the soil dry out fully.
Soil – Well-drained soil that doesn’t dry too quickly. Espoma Potting Soil is a great choice as its light weight and holds onto water without becoming soggy.
Temperature – Easter Lilies prefer temperatures between 60° and 75°. Easter Lilies are perennials, exposure to temperatures below 40° can trigger dormancy.
Humidity – Average home humidity levels are perfect for Easter Lilies.
Fertilization – A balanced, slow-release fertilizer, like Dynamtie, once in spring is all Easter Lilies need.
Size – Like most lilies, Easter Lilies average 1 to 2 feet tall.
Repotting – Getting Easter Lilies to bloom again indoors is tricky. It’s recommended to plant them outside after the danger of frost has passed and to treat them as perennials from then on.
Propagation – Easter Lilies are easily propagated from offsets produced by their bulbs. This is best done in the fall after the plant has gone dormant.
Toxicity – Mildly toxic to dogs and people if ingested. Highly toxic to cats if any part of the plant is ingested, including the pollen.