Though they are primarily grown outdoors, Calla Lilies make for wonderful houseplants.
Light – Indoors, Calla Lilies want lots of bright, indirect light. Moderate to low light will impact flowering and direct sunlight can lead to leaf scorch.
Water – Water once the top 2 to 3 inches of soil is dry.
Soil – Evenly moist, well-draining soil like Espoma Potting Soil. Calla Lilies don’t want to be soaking wet so if the soil isn’t draining quickly enough, add perlite to increase drainage.
Temperature – Calla Lilies prefers temperatures between 60° and 80°. Exposing them to temperatures below 50° will cause the plants to go dormant and prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can kill them.
Humidity – While they do well in average humidity levels, Calla Lilies will flourish in higher levels. Regular misting, a nearby humidifier, a spot in a brightly lit bathroom or a tray of pebbles and water are all easy ways to increase the humidity levels.
Fertilization – Feed regularly once new growth begins to emerge with a balanced fertilizer like Bonide Liquid Houseplant.
Size – Calla Lilies average 2 to 3 feet tall and approximately 2 feet wide.
Repotting – Calla Lilies don’t do well when they’re pot bound so repot them regularly, approximately once a year. Select a container with good drainage and no more than 1 or 2 sizes larger than its current container.
Encouraging Reblooming – Getting a Calla Lily to rebloom indoors can be tricky and some people find it easier to treat the plant as an indoor annual or replant it outside. In order to get your Calla to rebloom, you’ll need to give it a period of rest, approximately 2 months long. To begin this rest period, wait until your Calla has stopped blooming and then stop watering it. The foliage will die back and at that point, place the Calla in a cool, dark place for 2 months. After the 2 month period is over, bring the Calla back into bright, indirect light and resume normal care.
Propagation – Easily propagated by dividing plants when repotting.
Toxicity – Moderately toxic to people and pets when ingested.