Rubber Plant Care

Members of the Ficus family, Rubber Plants are easy to care indoor trees. There are multiple varieties of Rubber Trees like Ruby, Tineke and Burgundy, but their care is the same.

Light – Bright, indirect light is ideal. Can tolerate moderate light, but low light can result in plant decline. Avoid direct sunlight which can cause leaf scorch.

Water – Allow Rubber Plants to dry out about halfway before watering. Avoid over watering as it can lead to leave drop and plant decline.

Soil – Use a well-draining potting soil, like Espoma Potting Soil, as Rubber Plants do not like overly wet soil. If you’re soil is staying too wet, add perlite to increase drainage or reduce watering.

Temperature – Rubber Plants prefer temperatures between 60° and 80°. They should not be exposed to temperatures below 55° and should be protected from drafts, especially in winter.

Humidity – Rubber Plants prefer high levels of humidity. A nearby humidifier, regular misting or a tray of water and pebbles are excellent methods of increasing humidity levels. Alternatively, if you have the space and the light, the bathroom is a great location for Rubber Plants.

Fertilization – Feed monthly during spring and summer with a balanced fertilizer like Bonide Liquid Plant Food. There is no need to feed during fall and winter.

Size – Rubber Plants average 6 to 10 feet tall at maturity.

Repotting – Repot every 2 to 3 years into a container no more than 2 sizes larger than its current container.  Choose a container with good drainage as Rubber Plants will decline in overly wet soil. While they can handle being moderately pot bound, it’s best to not let them stay that way for too long.

Propagation – Rubber Plants can be propagated by cuttings.

Toxicity – Mildly toxic to people and pets when ingested.