Pothos Care

Also known as Devil’s Ivy, Pothos is an easy to care for trailing plant that does well in most environments. Perfect for beginners, it’s a very forgiving plant that doesn’t need much care.

Light – Pothos does well in many types of light; however, direct sunlight can cause leaf scorch. Variegated varieties, like Marble Queen, tend to do better in moderate to bright, indirect light, whereas solid colored varieties do well in low to moderate light.

Water – Be careful not to over water your Pothos, they like to stay evenly moist, but not soaking wet. Water once the top inch of soil has dried and do not allow them to sit in water at any time.

Soil – Any well-draining soil, such as Espoma Potting Soil, will do.

Temperature – Pothos do well in temperatures between 60° and 80°, but should not be exposed to temperatures under 50°.

Humidity – High humidity is preferred. Either place a tray of pebbles and water or a humidifier nearby, especially in winter. Frequent misting is another option that works well. Bathrooms are a great location for Pothos due to their high humidity levels.

Fertilization – Pothos don’t require a lot of fertilization, every few months with a balanced fertilizer like Bonide Liquid Plant Food is plenty.

Size – Due to their trailing growth habit, Pothos can reach up to 10 feet long. They respond well to occasional pruning which, combined with their moderately slow growth, makes it easy to keep them smaller. Pothos can also be trained to climb supports, like a trellis.

Repotting – Make sure to choose a pot with excellent drainage and no more than one size larger than their current container. Pothos are not fond of being pot bound, so be sure to repot as soon as they need it, usually once a year.

Propagation – Pothos can be propagated easily from cuttings.

Toxicity – Moderately toxic to people and pets if ingested.