Pilea Care

Pilea are easy to care for houseplants that are perfect for beginners. There are multiple different varieties of Pilea, with the most popular being the Chinese Money Plant (also known as the Friendship Plant, Pancake Plant and the Sharing Plant). Other varieties include Aluminum Plant, Moon Valley Pilea and Creeping Charlie and are just as easy to care for.

Light – Bright, indirect light is preferred, but they can tolerate moderate light. Avoid direct sunlight which can scorch the leaves.

Water – Allow the soil to dry out approximately half way between waterings, but don’t let the plant dry out fully. Drooping leaves are a sure sign that your Pilea needs a drink. Avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot.

Soil – Pilea prefer well draining soil that doesn’t stay too wet. Cactus soil, like Espoma Cactus Mix,is a good choice as it dries quicker than other soils, but all-purpose soils are acceptable.

Temperature – Temperatures between 6°5 and 80° are ideal. Don’t expose Pilea to temperatures below 55° and protect it from drafts, especially in winter.

Humidity – While the average home humidity levels are fine, Pilea won’t say no to the occasional misting.

Fertilization – Pilea generally don’t want fertilization. If the need to fertilize arises, select a well-balanced fertilizer, like Bonide Liquid Plant Food.

Size – Mature size depends on variety, but most average 6 to 12 inches tall.

Repotting – Pilea should be repotted approximately every 2 to 3 years. Select a container no more than 2 sizes larger than its current container with good drainage.

Propagation – Pilea can be propagated by division or by cutting. Chinese Money Plants produce small plantlets, which can be transplanted into their own container easily and is how they earned the name Sharing Plant.

Toxicity – Considered non-toxic to people and pets.