Parlor Palm Care

These indoor palm trees are a beautiful addition to any home or office. Their low care needs and adaptability to most environments makes them a good choice for new gardeners too.

Light – Adaptable to most kinds of light, though direct sunlight should be avoided.

Water – Water once to top 1 to 2 inches of soil are dry. Don’t overwater or allow to fully dry out.

Soil – Moist, well-draining soil like Espoma Potting Soil. While Parlor Palms don’t want to dry out, they also don’t want their soil to be soaking wet either.

Temperature – Ideal temperatures are between 65° and 80°s. Unlike most other indoor palms, Parlor Palms can handle temperatures down into the lower 50° range. They should not be exposed to freezing temperatures and need to be protected from drafts.

Humidity – While Parlor Palms can do very well in average home humidity levels, they will flourish in higher humidity. Regular misting, a nearby humidifier or a tray of pebbles and water are easy ways to increase the humidity. Alternatively, if you have space in your bathroom, Parlor Palms will be very happy there.

Fertilization – Parlor Palms generally don’t require fertilization. If the need for fertilization arises, dilute a balanced fertilizer like Bonide Liquid Plant Food and feed once or twice during the growing season. Do not fertilize in winter.

Size – Averages 3 to 6 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide.

Repotting – Parlor Palms are very slow growers and as a result shouldn’t be repotted more than ever 3 to 4 years. Treat the roots carefully when repotting as they are delicate and can break if handled too roughly.

Propagation – Propagation of Parlor Palms is difficult. They are one of the few plants that do not root easily from cuttings and dividing plants can be tricky due to their delicate root systems.

Toxicity – Considered non-toxic to people and pets.