Echeveria Care

These low growing succulents grow in a rosette shape and can be various shades of green and purple. A good plant for new gardeners and children.

Light – Bright light. Echeveria can handle direct sunlight but may scorch in summer.

Water – Allow Echeveria to dry out completely before saturating the soil. *Some potting soils may take a while to absorb water after being dry for a long period of time. This is referred to as becoming “hydrophobic” and can be overcome by repeatedly watering the soil and draining excess water, until the soil becomes saturated. *

Soil – Well-draining soil. While Echeveria can be planted in all-purpose potting soils, a cactus specific soil, like Espoma Cactus Mix, is a better choice as it dries quickly and reduces the chance of over watering and root rot.

Temperature – Echeveria prefer warmer temperatures, ideally between 70 and 80 degrees. Do not expose to temperatures below 50 degrees and protect them from drafts.

Humidity – The average humidity levels of most homes is perfect for Echeveria.

Fertilization – Due to their slow growing nature, Echeverias don’t require much feeding. Fertilize once a year, either with an all-purpose fertilizer like Bonide Liquid Plant Food or a cactus fertilizer like Bonide Cactus Food.

Size – Echeveria sizes vary depending on variety with some staying relatively small and others reaching up to 12 inches tall.

Repotting – Slow growing. Echeveria generally don’t require repotting more than once every few years. When repotting, select a container that has excellent drainage and is no more than one or 2 sizes larger than its current pot. Echeveria are generally shallow rooted plants and they tend to do better in shallow, bowl-like containers.

Propagation – Echeveria are easily propagated by planting their leaves into soil.

Toxicity – Echeveria are considered non-toxic to people and pets.