These spiny succulents are one of the easiest plants to care for and come in a ton of different sizes, shapes and colors.
Light – Bright light. Cacti can handle direct sunlight, but may scorch in summer. If you notice any scorching, simply move the Cactus away from the direct light and it should recover quickly.
Water – Allow succulents to dry out completely before saturating the soil. *Some potting soils may take a while to absorb water after being dry for a long period of time. This is referred to as becoming “hydrophobic” and can be overcome by repeatedly watering the soil and draining excess water, until the soil becomes saturated.*
Soil – Well-draining soil. While they can be planted in all-purpose potting soils, a specially formulated Cactus mix, like Espoma Cactus Soil, is a better choice as it dries quickly and reduces the chance of over watering and root rot.
Temperature – Cacti prefer warmer temperatures between 60° and 90° but some varieties can handle temperatures down into the lower 40° range. Most indoor Cacti are not frost tolerant and should be protected from freezing temperatures.
Humidity – The average humidity levels of most homes is perfect for Cacti.
Fertilization – Due to their slow growing nature, Cacti don’t require much feeding. Fertilize in spring with a Cactus fertilizer, like Espoma Cactus Food, according to the label.
Size – Sizing varies from Cactus to Cactus.
Repotting – Slow growing, Cacti generally don’t require repotting more than once every few years. When repotting, select a container that has excellent drainage and is no more than one or 2 sizes larger than its current pot. Cacti and succulents are generally shallow rooted plants and they tend to do better in shallow containers like bowls.
Propagation – Depending on variety, Cacti can be easily started from cuttings or by transplanting mature offsets, sometimes referred to as “pups.” Some varieties can only be grown from seed which can take several months to germinate and even longer to mature, so be patient.
Toxicity – Cacti are considered non-toxic but their spines can pose a hazard if ingested.