None other than our State Tree, Dogwoods bloom profusely in shades of pink, white and red. They’ve been a staple of southern gardens for generations. It’s easy to see why with just a glance at their delicate blooms and beautiful shape. With these trees averaging 15’ to 30’ at maturity, there’s a Dogwood for any size yard.
Part shade; morning sun and afternoon shade preferred. Too much sun can result in leaf scorch.
Moist, well-draining soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.0. Not drought tolerant.
Prune in winter while the tree is dormant.
Fertilize in spring and fall with an acidic fertilizer like HollyTone.
Some of Our Favorite Varieties:
Flowering Dogwood - A native species also known as Florida Dogwood, these cultivars can bear pink or white flowers. Averages 20′-30′ tall at maturity.
Kousa Milky Way - Averaging 15′ to 20′ tall at maturity, Milky Way features clusters of brilliant white flowers.
Stellar Pink Dogwood - A hybrid between Flowering and Kousa dogwoods. It averages 15′ to 20′ tall and bears gorgeous pink and white flowers.
Cherokee Princess - Reaching up to 30′ tall at maturity and bears showy white flowers.