Harvesting Timeline

One of the most important factors in planning a vegetable garden is timing. Knowing approximately how long you have from planting until harvest allows you to time your growing season to coincide with the weather in your area. There are many factors that can impact the length of time between planting and harvesting including plant variety, weather, temperatures and the age of seeds and plants themselves. Below is a list of the average time between planting and harvesting for common vegetable plants.

  From Seed/Bulb (In Weeks) From Transplant (In Weeks)
Beets 8-10 6-8
Broccoli 9-11 7-9
Brussel Sprouts 14-16 12-14
Cabbage 12-14 10-12
Carrots 8-11 N/A
Cauliflower 10-12 8-10
Corn 10-15 N/A
Cucumbers 9-11 7-9
Eggplant 12-14 10-12
Garlic 10-12 N/A
Green Beans 7-10 N/A
Kale 7-9 5-7
Lettuce 7-9 5-7
Melons 13-15 11-13
Okra 6-8 4-6
Onions 12-17 N/A
Parsnips 14-17 N/A
Peas 7-12 N/A
Peppers 12-14 10-12
Potatoes 12-17 N/A
Pumpkins 12-17 N/A
Radish (Spring) 3-5 N/A
Radish (Winter) 5-10 N/A
Spinach 7-9 5-7
Squash 8-10 6-8
Sweet Potatoes 14-18 N/A
Swiss Chard 7-9 5-7
Tomatoes 8-10 6-8
Zucchini 8-10 6-8