Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
- Plant trees, shrubs perennials and annuals now.
- Examine shrubs for winter injury. Prune out all dead and weakened wood.
- Prune spring flowering shrubs such as Azaleas and Camellias after they finish blooming.
- Begin planting out summer bulbs such as caladiums, gladiolus and calla lily
- Continue broadleaf weed control – Bonide Weed Beater or Jonathan Green Lawn Weed Control.
- Test lawn soil pH and apply Mag-I-Cal if needed. April is a great time to get your lawn into shape.
- Finish planting broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and lettuce plants into the garden. Use Dr Earth Vegetable Fertilizer to help get plants off to a quick start.
- Start cucumber, cantaloupe, summer squash, and watermelon seeds indoors in peat pots.
- Finish sowing seeds of all cool-season vegetables not yet planted.
- Thin out crowded seedlings from early plantings of cool season crops such as beets, carrots, onions and radish.
- Mix organic matter and fertilizer into your vegetable garden. We recommend Coast of Maine Lobster Compost and organic Dr. Earth Tomato Vegetable & Herb Fertilizer.
- Water Deeply – your veggie garden will need about an inch of water a week. Remember, water the roots NOT the plant leaves!
- Plant fruiting trees and shrubs now. You’ll have berries and fruit to pick by next summer.
- Protect bees and other pollinating insects. Do not spray insecticides on fruit trees that are blooming.
- Mount a rain gauge on a post near the garden to keep track of precipitation so you can tell when to water. Most gardens need about 1 inch of rain per week between April and September.
- Hummingbirds return from their winter home in Central America so put out your feeders now to attract the incoming hungry hummingbirds.
- If you have a pond, begin feeding your fish Tetra Spring & Fall Fish Food when the water temperatures are above 50 degrees.