December Gardening Tips

  • Install new trees, shrubs and perennials. Early winter is still a fine time to plant and you may even find some bargains! Use Fertilome Root Stimulator to jump start root growth.
  • Mulch all garden beds with 2”-3” of hardwood shredded mulch to protect the roots of the plants from the cold.
  • Check your holiday plants often for water and give them plenty of light. With the heat on, they will dry out quickly.
  • Continue to gather leaves for composting.
  • Be prepared for sudden temperature changes. Frost cloth can help reduce winter damage. You don’t have any? We do!
  • Stock up on birdseed and keep feeders full to encourage a delightful display of migrating birds to stop by.
  • Keep fresh water in your birdbaths!
  • Clean up and discard any old fruit or flowers under trees and shrubs to prevent overwintering pests.
  • Remove or treat any fuel left in mowers, blowers, and edgers. Old fuel becomes gelatinous and can clog fuel lines. Did you know your mower blade should be sharpened monthly?
  • Clean gardening tools. Remove any caked on mud or debris with soapy water and if necessary, a wire brush. Wipe dry with a clean, cotton cloth. Sharpen any blades that need it. Apply a light coating of oil to any steel tools to help prevent rust.