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Install new trees, shrubs and perennials. Early winter is still a fine time to plant and you may even find some bargains! Use Fertilome Root Stimulator to jump start root growth.
Mulch all garden beds with 2”-3” of hardwood shredded mulch to protect the roots of the plants from the cold.
Check your holiday plants often for water and give them plenty of light. With the heat on, they will dry out quickly.
Continue to gather leaves for composting.
Be prepared for sudden temperature changes. Frost cloth can help reduce winter damage. You don’t have any? We do!
Stock up on birdseed and keep feeders full to encourage a delightful display of migrating birds to stop by.
Keep fresh water in your birdbaths!
Clean up and discard any old fruit or flowers under trees and shrubs to prevent overwintering pests.
Remove or treat any fuel left in mowers, blowers, and edgers. Old fuel becomes gelatinous and can clog fuel lines. Did you know your mower blade should be sharpened monthly?
Clean gardening tools. Remove any caked on mud or debris with soapy water and if necessary, a wire brush. Wipe dry with a clean, cotton cloth. Sharpen any blades that need it. Apply a light coating of oil to any steel tools to help prevent rust.